Campus News
A man wearing an orange shirt speaks at a podium
Lowell Yellowhorn, Indigenous Services manager, speaks at Lethbridge College during Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022.

Lethbridge College will host several events next week on campus to help members of the community gain knowledge and confidence in integrating Truth and Reconciliation in their lives.

Truth and Reconciliation Week events begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Trades, Technologies and Innovation Facility with opening remarks from Lowell Yellowhorn (Spiitawakasi/Tall Deer), Indigenous Services manager, and Dr. Brad Donaldson, Lethbridge College President and CEO. The official unveiling of the college’s new traditional Buffalo Winter Count Robe will follow.

“The robe will be a prominent symbol of traditional Blackfoot Territory on campus,” says Yellowhorn. “It’s about representation for our Indigenous students and I’m very pleased that it will be part of the college’s reconciliation process.”

An Oki sign sits in the college's Centre Core
Lethbridge College's "OKI" sign displayed in Centre Core.

Throughout the week, Lethbridge College will also unveil a new Indigenous Services logo, a new land acknowledgement video and new Indigenous jerseys for Kodiaks athletics.

There will be plenty of tasty food to sample during the week as well, including buffalo stew, bannock and frybread.

A residential school presentation, with guest speaker Wilton Good Striker, will take place Thursday afternoon. Good Striker is a former Calgary Police officer and former tribal manager of the Blood Tribe. He is now retired and serves as a knowledge keeper for his people.

“Once again, the Indigenous Services team here at Lethbridge College has provided us with several meaningful opportunities to recognize and learn more about the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada,” says Donaldson. “I encourage everyone to participate in Truth and Reconciliation Week events and to take time to acknowledge and commemorate the legacy of residential schools, and to honour survivors, their families and affected communities.”

For a full schedule of Truth and Reconciliation Week events at Lethbridge College, visit