Search Results For: technology, environment and design


CTLI captures office culture in a digital space

Lethbridge College’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Innovation (CTLI) has recreated the atmosphere of the physical office in the digital environment of Microsoft Teams, through the creation of organized channels that reflect the diversity and creative culture that drives its efforts.

Document Centre

In order to promote and maintain a safe and respectful college environment, employees of Lethbridge College will not use their position inappropriately in interpersonal relationships with other members of the college community.


This teaching award almost didn’t happen for Cyndi Starzyk-Frey

After 19 years as an instructor in General Studies, Cyndi Starzyk-Frey has won her first Teaching Excellence award. It was not for a lack of her students trying to nominate her. Starzyk-Frey laughs as she recalls how students would ask her permission to nominate her, and each time, she told them she was ineligible as an hourly instructor.

Student Services

Newly Admitted Students

Congratulations on your admission to Lethbridge College! Whether you are a high school student, transferring from another institution, changing your program or joining us from the workforce, we are ready to welcome you and help support you on your journey.

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New learners begin their Lethbridge College journey at New Student Orientation

Ensuring that learners are prepared to “Arrive and Thrive” is the goal of Lethbridge College’s annual New Student Orientation. Nearly 1,100 new students will take part in a half-day of sessions and activities designed to get them ready for student life on Tuesday, Sept. 4, before classes begin for first-year and returning students on Wednesday, Sept. 5.


Lethbridge College to offer Indigenous Policing microcredentials

Lethbridge College will soon be offering an Indigenous Policing (Niitsitapi Inakiikawaiks) microcredential program. The suite of microcredentials – short-term, flexible learning programs designed for re-skilling or upskilling – will provide culturally appropriate education to Indigenous police services as they work to address the needs of their communities.


Lethbridge College receives more than $1 million in federal research grants

Lethbridge College will receive nearly $1.15 million in federal research funding, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, announced this morning in Ontario.

The college will receive $1 million towards its Centre for Sustainable Food Production, while an additional $147,023 of funding will provide two Lethbridge College researchers with equipment vital to their work.


Global Game Jam goes online for 2021

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will not deter organizers of the Global Game Jam. The annual worldwide event brings together participants at more than 800 locations across more than 100 countries to spend just 48 hours developing either an online or board game.


New research chair expands Public Safety research at Lethbridge College

Lethbridge College is taking a proactive approach to creating change in the public safety field and Canada’s criminal justice system, by appointing its first President’s Applied Research Chair in Public Safety. Dr. Kirsten Fantazir has been chosen for the role and will work directly with partners to identify knowledge, skill and research gaps in the Canadian public safety industry and create potential solutions.


Virtual training for real life: research project brings VR to justice studies

A police officer knocks on a door and immediately has an angry person screaming in their face – how do they react? A veteran officer can draw on experience to resolve the situation, but the interaction can cause inexperienced officers to freeze. A new internal research project at Lethbridge College will test whether virtual reality can better prepare justice and corrections students for those types of face-to-face interactions.

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