Campus News
Lethbridge College School of Justice Studies instructor Dr. Sheila French, who earned her PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of New Brunswick Saint John, poses with her certificate from Lethbridge College's You Are Remarkable event. (Photo: Kylee Easton)

The pursuit of education extends beyond just the students at Lethbridge College, as numerous faculty and staff members invest the time to follow their own educational pathways.

On Friday, the college’s Alumni Engagement department hosted its first “You Are Remarkable” event, which recognized college employees who have completed PhD, master’s and bachelor’s programs over the past two years. The impetus for the event was to give recipients a chance to cross a stage and celebrate their accomplishments during a time when many of their official ceremonies were cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event was also a chance to shine a light on the ever-increasing expertise of the college’s workforce, in the classroom, in the business services area and in research. A total of 15 faculty members, researchers and staff members from throughout campus took part in the event; however, that is just a portion of the total number of employees who have completed new credentials over the past few years.

“Part of what makes our faculty so good at what they do is their passion for education, both for their students and for themselves,” says Dr. Samantha Lenci, Provost and Vice President – Academic. “By pursuing their own educational goals while continuing to teach, they are continuing to expand their minds and their talents, which they then pass on to their students. We value the power of a post-secondary education and our students can see the strength of our highly educated and skilled faculty.”

Part of pursuing a PhD or a master’s degree is an increased focus on research, which helps to grow Lethbridge College’s internal research capacity. As faculty members engage in research, they can offer more opportunities and guidance to students, fellow faculty members and the college’s Centre for Applied Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

“There is often a focus on bringing in external expertise as we expand our research operations, however, building our capacity internally is just as important for long-term sustainability,” says Dr. Kenny Corscadden, Vice President – Research and Partnerships. “As our internal community expands its education and research abilities, they are able to move our operations into new and exciting areas that match their passions and expertise.”

The pursuit of education extends beyond the classroom, as many college staff members, from departments such as Human Resources, Student Affairs and the Registrar’s Office, have completed programs that relate directly to their roles at the college.

“We pride ourselves on our commitment to creating new opportunities for our employees to grow and develop in their roles,” says Coreen Roth, Vice President – People and Business Services. “It’s energizing to see so many of our employees pursue education that prepares them for growth opportunities. Their experiences and continued education strengthen our ability to provide top-notch services to students, and it also positions Lethbridge College as a leader in the southern Alberta community.”