This week’s tip from Caylee Vogel and Diane Gallagher from Be Fit for Life is Exercise for Energy!

Instead of reaching for sugary snacks or caffeine to boost energy, the fix is to sleep well, drink lots of water and move! Release those energy and mood-enhancing neurochemicals. Any kind of movement can do the trick – yoga, walking, weight training, cycling, dancing, you name it.Here is a Gentle Yoga for Energy workout from Donna MentankoTiefenbach.


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Another option is heading outdoors:

  • Five-minute walking warmup
  • One-minute jog or speed walk
  • Four-minutes brisk walk
  • Repeat 1-minute and 4-minute intervals five times
  • If you’re already a runner, up your intensity for the one-minute intervals.
  • To finish off: 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 30-second plank hold – repeat!

In the words of Laura Ingalls Wilder, “Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.”

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