Submit a report

To submit anonymously, right click (hold on mobile) the link above and select "copy link". Then open an Incognito (Chrome) or InPrivate (Edge) window in your browser and paste the URL in the address bar. In the "Background information" section you will see a checkbox to "Remain Anonymous" that will allow you to submit the form without providing your name or contact details. 

If you have a concern about a student’s well-being, this page will help guide you through getting them the supports they need.

Lethbridge College has established the Care Team to offer support to our community and to assist in addressing situations in which students are displaying behaviours that are concerning. The focus of the Care Team is care and concern and follow up for Lethbridge College students who may be in distress. Team members receive referrals, coordinate resources and implement a coordinated response with the goal of providing assistance to the individual while mitigating risk to keep the Lethbridge College community healthy and safe. The Care Team is made up of employees across campus with specialized training to offer support and intervention. A core team meets regularly, and others may be called in as needed to support the assessment process. Students, employees and family members can refer a student to Lethbridge College’s Care Team. To make a referral, use the Care Team referral form connect to support.


Crisis Response

If you have concerns about the imminent safety and well-being of someone on campus, please call 911 (dial 9 first if using a wired phone on campus).

The Care Team is positioned for early intervention. Our goal is to connect with an individual before they reach a crisis point. The team meets weekly and may meet more frequently if the need arises, but it is not a 24/7 crisis team.

Depending on the type of concern reported, Care Team members will reach out to provide appropriate support and intervention.

Who can make a referral to the Care Team?

  • Lethbridge College students may seek help for themselves or other students.
  • Employees of Lethbridge College can submit a Care Team referral out of concern for a student
  • A family member can report a concern for someone who is part of the college community.

What should I refer to the Care Team?

You can report any behaviour you find concerning, troubling, disruptive or highly unusual for that individual such as:

  • Changes in typical personality (for example, the person is more withdrawn than usual)
  • Experience of a traumatic event (such as the loss of a loved one, accident, violence)
  • Social withdrawal, isolation, loneliness, lack of support
  • Indicators of deteriorating mental health
  • Mentions of struggling with mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, substance use, eating disorders
  • Relationship difficulties (such as conflict, violence, loss)
  • Lack of basic needs (such as housing, food, transportation)
  • Marked irritability, anger, hostility
  • Explosive or impulsive behaviours
  • Delusional or paranoid speech or actions
  • Difficulty connecting to others
  • Expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness
  • Talking or writing about themes of suicide and loss of will to live
  • Direct mentions of self-injury, suicide or harm to others
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Marked change in personal hygiene or appearance
  • Attendance to class or work hungover or intoxicated
  • Signs of self-injury 
  • Lack of empathy or concern for consequences

You can report other activities as well in the details section of the Care Team referral form in Guardian Reporting.

How do I make a referral to the Care Team?

A Care Team referral form is found on the Guardian Reporting platform which can always be found on Lethbridge College’s website in the Resources section at the bottom of the home page, on the myLC student portal or The Owl employee-only website.

To make an anonymous report, open an Incognito (Chrome) or InPrivate (Edge) window in your browser (this option is found under the three dots in the top right of your browser). Paste in this URL You will then see a check box to “Remain Anonymous.”