Karl Rejman, MA

Academic Centre
I have a humanist focus in my own education and my approach to teaching and learning. I consider a plentitude and variety of ideas and seek connections and their impact on humans and humanity.
World Religions
Political Science

Professional Experience

Teaching Experience

I have taught at Lethbridge College for over a decade, in addition to teaching a few courses for other institutions in Alberta. I began teaching a course in ethics and have been blessed to teach courses in Justice General Arts and Science, and Business. I have taught in-persona class and remote classes as well as single-day classes for community groups. I am happy to be where learners and learning is because I am a learner too.

Industry Work

I have been a guest speaker at a local film festival. I have taught critical thinking to new Lethbridge Police recruits. I started a successful small home-based business in 2009 called K.A.T.S. Karl’s Adaptive Technology Services.


I participated in a pilot SoTL project at Lethbridge College. I serve on a grant committee at Lethbridge College.


Academic Credentials

Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Philosophy, University of Lethbridge, 20010

Bachelor of Management (General), University of Lethbridge, 2001

Master of Arts (Philosophy), University of Lethbridge, 2004

Conference Presentations

Since 2010 I have presented at Lethbridge College's internal Conference currently called Camp Horizon. I have presented and co-presented at the ASSC (Alberta Services for Students Conference) on topics such as assistive technology for teaching and learning and how to create presentations (2013, 2016)