Wider Horizons

Wider Horizons is thrilled to introduce this new regular feature, The President’s View, which showcases some of the people and places our new president, Dr. Brad Donaldson, encounters in his work. To suggest a President’s View photo opportunity for Dr. Donaldson, email [email protected].

As an aspiring photographer, I love to capture meaningful moments through the lens of a camera. At my first convocation at Lethbridge College, I wanted a permanent record of that precious time. Every photo tells a story and often when you relook at it, you see something you hadn’t noticed before. The wide grin on a face, the laugh on another, the peace sign held over a head or two graduands chatting (were they not listening to me?!!).

Photos return you to a place in time and let you relive the sensation of that moment. In this case, I look at this photo and relive the happiness of this day. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy taking photos so much – and will take many more, so that the time of the event will remain alive. So, if you see me with camera in hand, just smile and know that you are part of a meaningful moment that I will relive and savour for years to come.

Wider Horizons
Photo and story by Brad Donaldson
Original Publication Date: