Wider Horizons

Kelli Larson (Business Administration: Marketing 2004) completed the student exchange to Kajaani, LC logoFinland for one semester. She went on the exchange for a new experience while continuing her education. She splits her time between Canada and Europe, and is working on her master’s degree. We asked her about her decision to mix travel and study. I wanted to study but at the same time meet new people and travel and this was the best way to do both.

The Kajaani exchange was great. I learned a lot about the world, about new cultures and about myself. Going on an exchange alone forces you to meet people; there many other international students studying, so you immediately have something in common and something to talk about. I networked with other international students and travelled to many countries.

Study-abroad experiences help students in so many ways, including finding another way of communicating by learning a language and understanding that people think differently in other countries. You also get a different perspective on your own country. Being away from home makes you realize how important and unique your own culture and customs are. You become grateful for how you live and not take it for granted. You also grow as a person. Overseas study helps people become more independent and develop more self-discipline. It was a very positive experience and something that I will remember forever. I am very fortunate to have had the chance to experience something like that and have it be part of my college education.

I think it’s fantastic to have a study-abroad experience because not only will you gain valuable academic and personal experiences, but you will learn so much more than you ever could by just staying in the classroom at home. It’s one thing to go travelling to a different country, but it is different again to live and study in a country for several months and be part of the culture, speak their language and really immerse yourself entirely.

The student exchange at Lethbridge College encouraged my interest in other cultures, people, languages and global business.

I went on to graduate with my bachelor’s degree in international business.

Wider Horizons
Lethbridge College
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