Wider Horizons


The welding program at Lethbridge College started in 1963 with one instructor and a small shop of 12 booths. Over the years, it has grown into something remarkable: a thoughtfully designed, welcoming teaching space with 60 student booths and three demonstration booths outfitted with the latest technology. Wider Horizons asked a student, an instructor and a grad to share some memories of the space. Here’s what they had to say:


My time at the college has been very enjoyable as well as informative. The welding shop is truly state-of-the-art, with every tool and welding machine there to assist in your practical learning. The staff go above and beyond to teach you not only the practical aspects but the theory, math, science and safety within this trade

Austin Smith
First-year Welding apprentice

Our program continues to positively affect the welding and fabrication industry in our community, and alumni enjoy the benefits of a great career because of what we do to help them achieve success. The passion we have for our trade truly lives on through the lives of those who graduate from our program. While this is in itself a great achievement, I feel it is an even greater achievement to have been blessed enough to have been present to help students grow personally. In one alumni’s words, “I became a better person because of enrolling in this program.”

Pat Bjorn
Apprenticeship Welding instructor since 2006 (Welding 2000)

Many years ago, I had a brother-in-law who was a welder, and I thought “I wish I could do that.” Fast forward to being in my 40s. My wife said: “Paul, you want to weld, it’s not too late, it never is.” I found a company who would take on an older man to be at the bottom as an apprentice. It was humbling and a challenge. I enrolled as an adult student at the college’s first-year welding program. I was finally working with METAL! The sparks, the rush of melting metal and creating were exhilarating. Three years flew by and it became my own. I started creating art with metal on the side and doing more custom requests. Fabrication is my passion.

Paul Henrie
Owner of Crane and Henrie (Welding 2016)

NEXT ISSUE: The last word is yours...

Home away from home

Did you call Cullen, 30th Ave. or Kodiak House home while you were studying at Lethbridge College? Did your first-year roommate become your life-long friend? We want to hear your family-friendly stories about life in res. Just email your memories to [email protected] and we’ll share your stories in our next issue.

We can’t wait to read your submissions!

Wider Horizons
Illustrated by Eric Dyck
Original Publication Date: