Alberta colleges make significant impact on economy

Alberta colleges make signficant impact on economy Alberta's colleges, referred to as Comprehensive Community Institutions (CCIs) by the Government of Alberta, make a significant financial impact province-wide, adding $4.8 billion to Alberta’s economy in 2015-16 alone. This is equivalent to 43,520 jobs supported in the province. A new, province-wide study by Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) indicates that investing in colleges creates a significant return on investment for students, taxpayers and society.

In the 2015-16 survey period, Lethbridge College added $427.9 million to the Lethbridge Service Region. This is equivalent to 4,792 jobs supported in the region.

Colleges contribute to the provincial in many ways by:

  • Enriching the lives of students by raising their lifetime incomes and helping them realize their potential.
  • Benefiting Alberta’s taxpayers through increased tax contributions and decreased use of government-supported social services.
  • Adding value to local businesses by increasing consumer spending in the province and providing a steady flow of qualified trained workers into the workforce.
  • Benefiting society as a whole by creating a more prosperous economy.

Students with a college education earn more than individuals with a high school diploma. In fact, individuals with a college diploma in Alberta will earn $49,500 at the midpoint of their careers, $17,300 more than someone with a high school diploma; and will earn approximately $640,100 more over their working lifetime.

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