Citizen Society Research Lab

After successfully piloting a new residential curbside waste and recycling program, the City of Lethbridge is in the process of implementing a city-wide program that will end weekly residential curbside waste collection and replace it with bi-weekly waste and alternate-bi-weekly blue-bin curbside recycling services.


When asked to express their opinions about the City of Lethbridge’s new program for bi-weekly curbside waste and recycling collection two-thirds of Lethbridge residents are now supportive of the new residential waste and recycling plan.

  • Nearly seven of every ten residents (68.7%) are supportive of the new plan, a considerable change from only slightly more than one-third (34.6%) who were supportive in 2015 when the current plan was only one of four options proposed.
  • Approximately half of supporters (32.1%) are strongly supportive with the other half (36.6%) somewhat supportiv
  • Less than one-third of Lethbridge residents are opposed (31.3%).
  • Opposition is less balanced than is support with twice as many opponents strongly opposed (21.6%) as somewhat opposed (9.7%).
  • Strong opposition (21.6%) is less than half what it was in 2015 (45.0%)


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Curbside Recycling - Lethbridge Opinion Study 2019.pdf