Lethbridge College uses both single and two stage fire alarms. For those having classes or meetings throughout the college, please note the difference between the two stages of alarms as well as the locations where they are practised.

If you discover a fire:

R – Remove those in immediate danger.

E – Ensure doors are shut.

A – Activate the fire alarm.

C – Call the fire department (from office: 9-911; from other phones: 911) and Security Services (from office: ext. 3206; from other phones: 403-320-3206).

T – Try to extinguish the fire (only if trained to do so).

Response procedure

First stage: Standby and prepare to evacuate

  • Audible signal alert rate at 20 beats per minute and visual steady rate.
  • Advise students, staff and faculty to gather all easily accessible personal items (e.g. keys, wallet, purse, coats).
  • Be prepared to evacuate should the second alarm sound after five minutes or sooner.

Second stage: Evacuate

  • Audible signal alert rate is a fast three-ring temporal pattern and visual steady rate.
  • Evacuate immediately – safely proceed to the nearest emergency exit and meet at the designated gathering area.
    • Do not use elevators.
    • Stop all work; turn off all open flames, close windows.
  • All occupants must evacuate; relevant designated individuals should be appointed to ensure all safes and cash registers are locked prior to evacuation.
  • If your clothes or hair are on fire: Stop, drop and roll.
  • Do not shut down computers.
  • Close but do not lock doors behind you.
  • If you need to exit via a closed door, use the back of your hand to check if the door is hot.
    • Do not open the door immediately.
    • Open the door slowly keeping your head behind the door in case the fire is in the immediate area.
  • Do not attempt to rescue injured persons if doing so places you in danger.
  • No one may re-enter the building until emergency services personnel give permission to do so.
  • If it is believed an individual was not evacuated, report information to responding emergency personnel immediately.
  • Provide any relevant information about the incident to emergency personnel.
  • Obey all instructions from emergency services personnel.

Single stage alarm zones

  • Instructional Building
  • Cousins Building
  • Residences (Cullen and 30th Avenue)
  • Kodiak House

Two stage alarm zones

  • Trades Building (1800)
  • Andrews (1500 and 1700)
  • Culinary Services
  • College Centre
  • Paterson
  • Technologies Building
  • PE Building
  • Trades, Technologies and Innovation Facility

General information

All fire-related incidents resulting in property damage to:

  • structures
  • any permanently attached building component (e.g. carpeting, shelving)
  • equipment that releases toxic gases/smoke

are to be reported to 911 if the incident is on-going. If the incident is over or the fire has been extinguished, call Security Services.

It is compulsory for employees and visitors to comply with all fire procedures. Always assume an alarm is real.


Whenever a fire occurs, attention to life is the first priority followed by the protection and preservation of property. It is therefore the responsibility of any employee reporting a facility fire to:

  • promptly report the incident
  • assess incident needs
  • request necessary resources
  • follow established documentation protocol

Minor: Fire is contained to the point of origin with no threat of extension.

Moderate: Fire is contained to the point of origin but extension is occurring or is likely. Extinguishment by employees is in progress. Building evacuation is in progress.

Major: Fire is beyond extinguishment by employees. Building evacuation is in progress.


Your senses are your best source of information gathering in relation to a possible fire or emergency. Your best indicators that something is outside the norm are:

  • Smelling smoke or gas
  • Seeing smoke or flames
  • Feeling heat
  • Hearing alarms

When your senses tell you something is wrong, chances are there is something wrong.